Over the past decade, the Liverpool School community has whole-heartedly supported District-Wide facility improvements through building renovations that has exceeded $150,000,000 in capital improvement costs. These projects include various sizes of construction at most of our building sites including: Liverpool Middle School, Liverpool Elementary, LHS Stadium, Chestnut Hill Middle School, Chestnut Hill Elementary, Morgan Road Elementary, Soule Road Complex, Liverpool High School Annex, Transportation Center, Wetzel Road Building, Donlin Drive Elementary, Long Branch Elementary (along with pending work at Nate Perry Elementary, Craven Crawford (District Office) Building and Liverpool High School. These SED-Approved projects [above] do not include the plethora local projects our LCSD Maintenance Staff have embarked on over the past decade as well. Most of these larger projects were created based on the SED-required "Building Condition Survey" - a state mandate which requires school districts conduct facility evaluations every 5 years. Most of the focus for these evaluations is based entirely on infrastructure needs, windows, doors, boilers, and roof replacements - the majority of upgrades and renovations that go unseen . . . but positively impact the efficiency, safety and long-term building needs.
As we approached the upcoming facility improvement plan (and the required Building Condition Survey) for school year 2020 . . . we have decided to divert from the previous "BCS" model of prioritizing building and classroom needs . . . to a more beneficial and realistic process that focuses on an educational values, beliefs, and needs model . . . priorities that will be identified by school staff, students, parents and community members. We have entitled the project: Education 2020. Mr. Dan Henner (Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services) has recently completed all of the individual building presentations. He will now begin conducting presentations at each of our "Feeder Pattern" sites [MRE, SRE, WFE, & SRMS]; [CHE, DDE, NPE & CHMS]; [EE, LBE, LE & LMS] and, [LHX & LHS]. Our effort is to share how schools have changed over the past years; how the Liverpool School/Community has changed (specifically with regard to demographics); and, how our student needs have changed (with regard to "career readiness"). On November 6th, everyone within the school buildings will have access to a survey - this survey will focus on several prompts. Specifically, we want to know, "What do you believe are the needs and priorities for future facility planning . . . leading up to our next Facility Improvement Plan (Targeting School Year 2020). Following the dissemination and administration of the staff survey, the students, parents and community members will be asked to respond in a similar manner with a community survey. Again, what do you value as positive school experiences; what do believe are the most essential aspects of your child's education (or students in general); and, what needs or improvements may be necessary as we evaluate the instructional resources within Liverpool? With the on-going tug-of-war for funding (whether it be staffing, programs, supplies, equipment, or facilities), there continues to be a finite amount of money available within our budget. As such, we want to be frugal and fiduciary responsible -- yet responsive to student's needs (as we continue to prepare them for tomorrow).
In advance, thank you for your input and contributions as we address our future facility planning process.

Dr. Mark F. Potter, Superintendent of Schools
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