As you may recall, the Phase 3 Renovation Project scope included (originally voted on by the community in March 2016):
- Transportation Center (Fuel Tanks, Paving, Bus Lifts, Door Restoration);
- Wetzel Road Building (New Roof);
- LHS Swimming Pool (Pool Deck);
- Liverpool High School (Auditorium, Chorus Room, Orchestra Room, Band Room, Gymnasium, Locker Rooms, Team Rooms, Wellness Center, Lobby spaces for both Auditorium and Gymnasium AND a new Main Entrance along with an Administrative/Counselor Wing);
The items noted above in red have all been completed; the items in blue have not.
Following a lengthy timeline for design and drawing work - as well as submission delays with the New York State Education Department waiting for approval . . . the project was finally bid on by contractors in July 2018. Following the bid opening process, the pricing (Bids) submitted were significantly over budget.
So now what? We asked the Board of Education to reject all of the bids (which they did in September 2018). We took a look at the scope items (above) and decided to focus our efforts and our budget on the spaces that would directly impact students on a daily basis. So, we removed the new entrance and the administrative wing from the new modified Phase 3 scope. We have also (as another fail-safe factor) requested the community consider adding $5.8 million to the project budget (through a re-authorization vote).
Essentially, we are asking the community to consider increasing the project total from approximately $39.5 million to about $45 million. This increase represents a "not to exceed" dollar amount. We would only be using the necessary funds to accomplish the items included in the project scope. Also - an important factor . . . the funds would be coming from two (2) areas: District's Capital Reserve (about 16% or about $950,000); the remaining funds totaling the $5.8 million (about 84%) would come from NY State Building Aid ($4,850,000). This increase in the project will have a zero dollar impact on the community. The vote is scheduled for Tuesday, December 11th at the LHS Gymnasium from 6am to 9pm.
Thank You,
Mark F. Potter Ed.D.